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To Kathleen Smith from Texas,


I want to say somethings to you.

First, thanks for perpetuating the myth that all Americans are ignorant, arrogant jerks. We really need that..

Second, Thanks for proving that everything really is bigger in Texas including ignorant arrogant jerks.

Third, You have every right to your opinion, and I have every right to mine. HOWEVER if you don’t want to hear others opinion, maybe you should reconsider sharing yours.

Fourth, as the mom of both and autistic child, and a child who I adopted who has bipolar disorder, both of which are amazing people and lucky to have in my life. Even when they can’t handle the world. I think you are a horrible person, really awful.
Every week I see some parent who decided it is okay to beat their child to death so they will “behave”. Someone who thinks since their child doesn’t fit into society they should throw him or her off a bridge. Or the story a young child who has been locked in a basement or closet and barely fed, much less loved.

Each one is a tragic event.

I know you THINK you were “being funny” when you used the words,” Kill it, beat it or leave it at home” as if the child wasn’t even a person. As if you felt the PERSON was simply a weed on your perfect lawn.

As the mother of an adopted child I know for a fact there are a ton of parents who will take that adorable child (which you did say this child was) and give him or her a home. I also know as an autism mom, that sometimes you have to make that grocery run, that even if he or she meltdowns all the way through the store you have try again and again until they can handle it.

I have no idea who this mom is, or what is happening with her child, just like you don’t. Who ever you are I wish you love and luck I know how hard raising kids can be.

So Kathy; instead of trying to be a helpful part of our world and your community, you choose to spew venomous hate filled speech at the world. Instead of saying “Hey Mom, are you okay?” or even offering advice; which is an option. You took to the internet and filled the world with more hate.

So, Kathy, maybe instead of your #SorryNotSorry videos, maybe you should consider saying “Oops, I am sorry I failed at funny.” Or “I didn’t mean for people to murder beat or lock away their kids.”
Because I can easily see some parent in the future deciding because you said it and people agreed with it, then it is okay to do just that.

And that is NEVER okay. Just my two cents.



Published on NOW READ THIS March 27, 2015

To Kathleen Smith.

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